Safeguarding Team

At Chichester High School we take the welfare of our pupils seriously. 

Should you or your child have any concerns about the welfare of any pupil please contact one of the Academy’s Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs).

Please be aware that if the school suspects abuse or neglect it may consider referring to Children’s Services.

Our CHS Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) 

01243 787014

Dr Nicholas Taylor - Deputy Headteacher - SLT - Lead DSL

Mrs Naomi Lewry - Deputy Headteacher - SLT - DSL

Mrs Julie Silcock - Assistant Headteacher - DSL

Miss Abigail Taylor - Assistant Head teacher - DSL

Mr James Freeman - Head of Year 12 - Sixth Form DSL

Mrs Michelle Diplock - Pastoral Team - DSL

Mrs Jacqui Curtis - Pastoral Team - DSL

Mrs Tanya Neville - ACE Tutor - DSL


Safeguarding at chs sept 24



If you or a child is in immediate danger,
phone the Police on 999
